Twinning Open Data Operational

Funded within Horizon2020 Twinning programme


01.06.2023, 07:37
One way to formalise future collaboration after the completion of the TODO project is to establish a research group. The project consortium partners…
31.05.2023, 22:26
As a part of the WP6, Task 6.2 - Establishment of collaboration structure, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed among all partners of the TODO…
17.04.2023, 08:21
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences’ final visit to the University of the Aegean in Athens (UAEGEAN) took place from March 28 to March 30, 2023…
10.02.2023, 07:40
We are pleased to announce that the members of the organising committee of the International Conference on Open Data (ICOD 2022), whose theme was "…
31.01.2023, 14:51
In Croatia, open data research and research using it are mostly understood as a concept encompassing one discipline and one domain, ignoring the fact…
07.12.2022, 14:47
Pre-Conference Day of TODO ICOD was held on Monday (28.11.2022.) where a panel on fiscal transparency and workshop on high-value datasets in progress…

Project analytics

Progress within core work packages

WP 1: Management and Coordination
WP2: Capacity building
WP3: ESRs training and Joint Supervision
WP4: Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
WP5: Dissemination and Outreach
WP6: Sustainability

Open data ecosystem

Open data ecosystem (ODE) is a concept that provides a dynamic and holistic understanding to open data provision and use. The main characteristics of open data ecosystems are user-drivenness, inclusiveness, circularity, and skill-based (Van Loenen, Zuiderwijk et al., unpublished/ submitted).

Open data portal

A Web-based system that contains a data catalogue with descriptions of datasets and provides services enabling discovery and re-use of the datasets. See also → Data portal.

Open definition

The Open Definition, first released by Open Knowledge in 2005, sets out under what conditions data and content is open. Both legal and technical compatibility is vital, and the Open Definition ensures that openly-licensed data can be combined successfully, avoiding a proliferation of licences and terms of use for open data leading to complexity and incompatibility.

Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)

You are free: To share: To copy, distribute and use the database, To create: To produce works from the database, To adapt: To modify, transform and build upon the databases, as long as you: Blank: This section is intentionally left blank. The PDDL imposes no restrictions on your use of the PDDL licensed database. If you use the PDDL for any changes you make, the work stays free and open for all. CC0 is compliant with the Science Commons protocol for open data, as is the Open Data Commons PDDL.

Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By)

You are free: To share: To copy, distribute and use the database, To create: To produce works from the database, To adapt: To modify, transform and build upon the databases, as long as you: Attribute.

Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)

An open licence specifically directed at the use of databases. You are free: To share: To copy, distribute and use the database, To create: To produce works from the database, To adapt: To modify, transform and build upon the databases, as long as you: Attribute (You must attribute any public use of the database, or works produced from the database, in the manner specified in the ODbL.

Open data commons

Open Data Commons, an Open Knowledge Foundation initiative, is the home of a set of legal tools and licenses to help you publish, provide and use open data.

Open data

Data is open if it can be freely accessed, used, modified and shared by anyone for any purpose - subject only, at most, to requirements to provide attribution and/or share-alike.

Open access

The principle that access to the published papers and other results of research, especially publicly-funded research, should be freely available to all. This contrasts with the traditional model where research is published in journals which charge subscription fees to readers. Besides benefits similar to the benefits of open data, proponents suggest that it is immoral to withhold potentially life-saving and valuable research from some readers who may be able to use or build on it.


A formal model that allows knowledge to be represented for a specific domain. An ontology describes the types of things that exist (classes), the relationships between them (properties) and the logical ways those classes and properties can be used together (axioms).

Enabling a user-driven, sustainable and fair open data ecosystem through interdisciplinary research and education.

Delft University of Technology

Establishing the interdisciplinary approach in open data research towards addressing the societal, political and economic challenges.

University of the Aegean

Dealing with challenges and grasping new opportunities with reliable, up-to-date and easily accessible data to increase efficiency in planning, producing and delivering food to consumers.

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb

Information technologies drive open data to make government more transparent, science more visible and society more empowered.

Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb

Advancing technological foundations of open data as the cornerstone of an innovative society. 

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

Open traffic data provide reliable information for statistics, planning and real-time user information in interdisciplinary area. Vast amount of traffic data is essential for traffic and transport planning.

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb

Geospatial data is one of the cornerstones of information society and the ongoing digital revolution. The vision of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy is realizing the full potential of the geospatial data - active research, promotion and education throughout the interdisciplinary approach.

Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb