Open data infrastructure (ODI) is a concept that explains the domain in which open data is created and used. ODI consists of a combination of social (non-technical) and technical elements which are interrelated and interact, ensuring the supply and use of open data. Technical elements refer to open data tools, technologies, standards etc., while non-technical elements include open data regulation and policies, governance and funding (van Loenen et al, 2018: 6). ODI can be defined as „a shared, (quasi-) public, evolving system, consisting of a collection of interconnected social elements (e.g. user operations) and technical elements (e.g. open data analysis tools and technologies, open data services) which jointly allow for the use of open government data“ (Zuiderwijk, 2015: 1).

As any other infrastructure, ODI has several necessary characteristics. First, it consists of different elements that are interconnected and interact. This refers to data, platforms and people (i.e. actors). Key actors involved are open data users and providers. Third, within an ODI the resources (data information and knowledge) are exchanged. Fourth, the interoperability of different elements of infrastructure has to be ensured (e.g. via metadata standards). Fifth, due to the development of new technologies, ODIs evolve through time. Finally, ODIs are openly shared among a variety of actors and systems.


van Loenen, Bastiaan, Vancauwenberghe, Glenn, Crompvoets, Joep and Dalla Corte, Lorenzo (2018). Open Data Exposed. In: van Loenen, Bastiaan, Vancauwenberghe, Glenn and Crompvoets, Joep (ed.) Open Data Exposed. Berlin: Springer, pp. 1-10.

Zuiderwijk Anneke (2015) Open data infrastructures: The design of an infrastructure to enhance the coordination of open data use. Doctoral dissertation.

TODO 2020 Online Training Program - Open data concepts and components - Video lecture Open data infrastructure

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