TODO members had two online site visits organised in June and July.
First online visit was organised on 29 June 2021. in conjuction with GIMA M|3 Open Data Implementation in Practice Session. Guest lectures on Implementing open data was held by @ PDOK Dutch Kadaster and @ Statistics Netherlans CBS. TODO members were informed what kind of open data are collected and used. It was interesting to hear how open data is collected from different domains and in what ways it can be used.
On 6 July 2021, we will hold the second online site visit for TODO staff and ESRs.
In this session, the first organisation will be NDW – National Road Traffic Data Portal. In NDW, Dutch government national and local agencies work together to collect, combine, store and distribute mobility data. NDW is responsible for standardizing traffic data and quality control, and developing specific tools for the partners.
NDW has a framework agreement with eleven market parties (data suppliers) to enhance data quality. NDW participates in the open Mobility Data Community established to foster corporation between the public sector, private sector and the education/research sector.
The second organization is Open State Foundation (OSF), a not-for-profit organization playing a major role in the open data ecosystem of the Netherlands. Transparency and public information have proven to be a key instrument to improving accountability and participation for many years, and have been valuable resources for business, research and policy.
OSF works on digital transparency by opening up public information as open data and making it accessible for re-users to strengthen democracy and create substantial civic and economic value. OSF is willing to play an active role, both as rebel and as partner.
Link to session: Click here to join the meeting
Pictures from 1st site visit