Dear TODO followers, we would like to inform you that registration for our Open Data Life Cycle Workshop is open. You can sign up using following link

Registration will be opened till October 27th, 2020.

We encourage researchers, teachers and professionals involved and interested in Open Data to join us at the workshop and benefit the opportunity to hear internationally recognized researchers and university teachers from Europe and United States.

The workshop is foreseen to be organized in parallel hybrid mode – physical and online due to the Covid-19 situation.
Physical part of the event will take place at the Faculty of Geodesy, Faculty Council hall, Kačićeva 26, Zagreb. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions number of physical participants is limited on 40! For participants attending physically coffee break and lunch break will be organized.
Participants which will remotely participate on the event will receive instructions and link for participation!

Announcement TODO Data Life Cycle Workshop