During the week of September 7-11, 2020, we successfully completed the summer school in online and hybrid mode.

The five-day summer school covered and summarized the main concepts of open data, presented the life cycle of open data, and addressed the challenges associated with each phase of the life cycle.

Various interdisciplinary research methodologies were discussed and a methodological framework was developed that will be applied to the open data ecosystem in the Republic of Croatia. The project involves doctoral students (who are at an early stage of defining the thesis of doctoral research) in order to get acquainted with the field of open data and acquire the necessary competencies to conduct research in the domain. As part of the summer school, doctoral students exhibited their research ideas.

The summer school was held virtually and  physically at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, in the presence of partners from the Republic of Croatia.

Thanks to the Faculty of Organization and Informatics for a professionally prepared and organized summer school!








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