On 13-14 November 2019, Croatia’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure conference was held in the city of Split. It covered multiple topics related to spatial data, from open data policies, used technology to education and capacity building. One of the lectures presented at the conference was related to recent involvement of Faculty of Geodesy, UNIZG in two major European projects, TODO and SPIDER. Both projects are international including specialist from universities across Europe: SPIDER (University of Zagreb, Technische Universiteit Delft, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Lunds Universitet, Hochschule Bochum) and TODO (University of Zagreb, Technische Universiteit Delft and University of Aegean). The presentation, titled as Capacity Building on Open Spatial Data and Open Spatial Data Infrastructures at Universities, was carried out by GEOD's PhD student Karlo Kević. Main purpose of the presentation was to raise the awareness of importance of the academic capacity building as a key role in open data eco system. Presentation, without circumlocution, stressed out main outputs of the projects and its benefits to wider public, from public to private sector, explaining that the results of both projects will improve the quality of academic education and research in Croatia and beyond. This way, GEOD showed will to improve its excellence in open spatial data and confirm its leadership in spatial data education in south eastern Europe. This conference, primarily directed to stakeholders in the field of geoinformatics, was the perfect opportunity to introduce projects as the newest research activity at the UNIZG to about 200 participants of the conference.