On 29 November 2021, the fifth online site visit for TODO staff and ESRs was held.

William Kayada, Policy Advisor of the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport opened the session with an overview of the National Data Strategy (NDS) framework, its purposes and the implementation process so far. The NSD Forum is part of the implementation process in order to bring together the different stakeholders and to develop detailed workplans.
Sam Roberts of the Cabinet Office continued by explaining their part in the NDS from a government perspective to become more effective. Data quality and inconsistency is still a challenge. The Cabinet Office will focus on improving data governance, data ethics and building public trust. Sam also gave a preview of topics of the National Action Plan 2021-2023 and other documents, e.g., the Ethics Framework.
Lisa Allen of the UK Open Data Institute – one of the partners of the NDS Forum – finished the session with their perspective on building public trust. Data are the most important asset of companies. Data literacy at all levels and data assurance are vital for building trust in the data ecosystem. And trust is vital for data to make a positive impact.

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William Kayada of the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport providing an overview of the implementation strategy for the National Data Strategy

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Sam Roberts of the UK Cabinet Office providing an overview of the steps to be taken by the government to improve data governance in the UK

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Lisa Allen of the UK Open Data Institute (ODI) providing an overview of steps to be taken to foster trust in open data ecosystems